
Voice Tapes

Specialist Voice-Over Services

Voice Work

The work opportunities for ‘voices’ are expanding rapidly – there is more ‘low profile’ but quite well paid work than ever before. There are more Film Video & Television Companies than ever – just look in your local Yellow Pages. The ‘Talking Tape’, CD ROM, and computer-game industries are growing at an extraordinary rate, and commercial radio stations are springing up all over the place. Getting your share of this work is a function of effort. I can help you make an excellent tape, suggest possible areas of work, and give you a list of potential employers but you have to make the ‘phone calls and write the letters – in that order. You sell the voice by using the voice. Unsolicited voice tapes rarely get results! Please note that usually only the ‘famous’ are asked to do ‘talking book

Radio Acting Tapes

I have very close links with BBC Radio Drama – I have been involved in over 20 major productions and I do a lot of post-production work on radio plays and series when they go on commercial release. There is a semi-standard format for radio tapes. You should have a Shakespeare (which can be a sonnet), something by a living author, a humorous piece, and a poem. Each piece to be no longer that 2 minutes. We can add appropriate music and sound effects so that they sound like extracts from actual productions. Please spend as much time as possible preparing them – but do not learn them, the medium is one in which pieces are read – not recited. The BBC and individual directors are unlikely to even consider you for an audition – let alone a job – without first hearing an ‘acting’ tape.

For other information Click the Links at the Top of the Page or Below:

  • Home: Introduction and Welcome
  • Profile: Background information about myself.
  • Clients:For information about my clients.
  • Studio & Location: Studio setup, How to get there and Where to stay.
  • Contact: How you can obtain further information.